

CarmenFit Club


CarmenFit CLUB

100% Personalized Online Fitness and Nutrition Program. Perfect for losing weight and increasing muscle mass. It will help you increase your energy level, feel better, get the desired body change.

Personalized Fitness and Nutrition Plan

8 Weeks

Tracking progress via WhatsApp

Program adjusted according to results

Beginners / Intermediates / Advanced

Program recommended for:

Toning & Energy Increase


Weight Loss


Body Transformation



CarmenFIT CLUB Program is an online nutrition and training program, specially adapted to the busy lifestyle we live in. Personalized diet, combined with 3 workouts per week


  • Body transformation
  • Healthy eating habits
  • Energy and vitality


  • Personalized training plan
  • Personalized diet plan
  • Tracking progress (weekly)
  • Private chat via WhatsApp for questions
  • Support Q&A via WhatsApp
  • Diet adjustment according to progress (if necessary)
  • Punctual food substitution advice - Free
  • Change the entire diet menu at client’s request + €150

offer & prices



own the change

100% Personalized Online FItness&Nutrion Plan.
Lose weight, add muscle mass, get rid of cellulite. Transform your body and lifestyle, make those new healthy habits stick.



Train from Home or Gym

  • Online Fitness & Nutrition Plan
  • 100% Personalized based on age, body type, metabolic rate, activity level, objectives & culinary tastes
  • Complete Body & Lifestyle transformation
  • 12 Weeks Personalized Fitness Circuit
  • Train 3 times/weeks x 50 min
  • 12 Weeks Personalized Nutrition Plan
  • Private Q&A via WhatsApp
  • Weekly progress review
  • Progress based tweaking
  • One diet Menu modification at clients request included


Feel better

6 Weeks
Online Fitness and Nutrition by CarmenFIT focused on improving energy levels, muscle toning and introducing a new lifestyle


Train from Home or Gym





Years of experience

96 000

Burned Kilograms



Follow me on social media!

Waiting list

There are currently two active programs, CarmenFIT CLUB and CarmenFit VIP CLUB. These involve a set of exercises combined with a personalized diet. The programs are based on a detailed analysis of each client and an interaction along the way via WhatsApp. Diet and exercise can be adapted to progress.
This level of personalization comes with the disadvantage that we can enroll a relatively small number of people each month. However, because the demand is constantly growing, I am working to launch other complementary offers in order to be able to offer options to a wider audience.
If you want to work together you can register here.

Choose your Program
Select Program
  • CarmenFIT CLUB [600EUR]
  • CarmenFIT VIP CLUB [825 EUR]
0 of 350


What my clients say

"She's pure madness and addiction.
Results come from breathing discipline. — with Carmen Sorban." - 25 iunie 2017, FB

Cristina Jantea

25 iunie 2017, FACEBOOK

" Ești un OM extraordinar și cum ti-am mai spus,meriți doar binele pe care îl faci să ți se întoarcă înzecit! Iti multumesc pentru tot!" - 


12 Oct 2020, Instagram

Cu Carmen de 4 ani aproape. Am avut rezultate dupa primele doua luni cum nu reusisem eu cu toate dietele si antrenamentele la sala unde ma lesinau cu cardio si mergeam ca la taiere. Saptamana asta reincep iar dupa o pauza de un an jumate, iar dieta primita acum este mult mai elaborata si perfectionata. Toate dietele au dat rezultate, dar s-a intrecut pe ea. Se poate observa si din poze, cum poate schimba un corp in doar 3 saptamani, cand sunt femei care nu pot da jos nici un kg macar in doua saptamani. Asa ca... stati jos si admirati-o 👏🏻


12 Oct 2020, Instagram

"Si eu subscriu, Carmen Sorban, Guru Fit🔝🔝🔝, cu dovada🧚‍♀️😊. Nu imi place sa imi expun parerea pe retelele de socializare, dar cand vine vorba de tine, nu am cum sa nu o fac! Esti cea mai tare si mai profi si mai devotata si implicata profa si toate fetele tale suntem niste norocoase ca fizicurile noastre au ajuns pe maiinile tale!!! 🤭💥😃" 20 Ian 2020, FB

Ortansa Cazacu

20 Ian 2020, FACEBOOK